MI6's Mina's Debut Song Is a Prayer called, "Thanks to God forever" and also Japanese New York Style Sushi

So if the police come aknockin ima be running, because they are obviously working to kill me, and make me sick, so if they do it's to make me sick and killed, and when they do so, it will be to kill and make me sick, and when they sicken and kill me, it will be to sicken and kill you, too, so it's impossible, but a trap, so i'm stuck here HELP is what i say and said for others, but they are also so unhelpful, everywhere, and I'm stuck, in hostage situation, begging for the UK to respond, and they did, just mightly, strongly, with the grace and mystery of My Savior, to save us all, from the perils of hell, all the afflictions and the dangerous predilections of the unsaintly, who they are unsaints, but they aren't mine, to know, and obviously they're rapists these figures, and if i hated so much to know i wouldn't see such hatred in a place i don't know, where i wouldn't go there, to see, it's just me and you chump, what you gon see, and ultimately where i went is to where i could've not been i'm here and there, so you'll never insult nor cyberbully me or whom, anyone you could have seen sainlty, and so you said that hatred is always, not temporary, yet yours is something else, which shouldn't have been, a worship of dead art, and their dead artists skins, and when they played skins vs shirts and the redskins tore out a ventricle to feel pain i'd say sooner than soon that hatred is not my province nor is planar planner and so does some to harm so with and with whom and with such boringness you'd say you aren't to, ever, bother, one, who could say there isn't a problem with the world yesterday, and with aplomb you cry, is it death you couldn't have had well beauty is not yours to ever say i'm not mad, because i am crazy to anger, and quick to wit, so you'll always be, Godly and We'll Persist