Feel threatened, these aren't stupid devils
Intelligence is of course rooted in emotionality
I'm too smart for Harvard, too smart for the devil,
which is a sartorial term
These attacks come from known Satanists, who masquerade as stupid, but like all living Presidents incredibly dumb
I am a known genius, not even hiding my work
And they're easy to understand
The attacks were brutal, and still are, considerably in line with attacks on saints, yes the living should be canonized, historically
They are brazen, I'm not a storyteller
The CIA and FBI, these nonsense groups, violent and vindictive and completely aware of their lack of philosophical inquiry
The Presidents and Vice-Presidents are not going to get better,
I have come up with original arguments in philosophy unseen historically, music unseen historically, sartorialism unseen historically, medical discoveries unseen ever, literature, new poetic techniques, new colors even, novel shades, all properly Christian, these are not things you get money from, and you know all I'm saying is true, sorry your "opinions" are masked Satanism and don't mean shit to me, so stop attacking me with your family, actually the Nobel committee know me hi, shoutout Vatican
"this is going to have to stop" not by force now, devils
I'm dealing with the dumbest devils alive, UC Irvine officials lol don't claim ownership of my contributions although I'm an alumnus of sorts, the writers who pervade society aren't historically relevant, as Dr. Kay Jamison is and I've proven to be the only significant one recently, FBI-CIA is nonsense to me, along with the President, who does a silly 9-5 job, Pharmacies are drug dealers, yes, with one particularly egregious, Jack Antonoff is not just inept philosophically but collects musical talent, unintelligent priests who do so not for money because they needed a job, most are unintersting Spiritually, some doing dangerous things at the pulpit, Taylor Swift is the best musician alive, what can you say
I'm going to say "it" disgusting, anyway, they know what they're doing, not retarded, and this is the most vicious bloody beatdown of the genius historically, so disugsitngly devil-guided, i'm going to ask you to end this bullshit, and theft, these are constructed in a way not to be stolen (truth can't be stolen, it's complicated), and I'm being attacked physically not just by a dumb lady who is stalking me and police agents, who long ago decided the best way was to punish and seek revenge, like Kamala Harris,loool, it's a disturbing time you're lucky and should be glad to still have me around
Let me get back to my work, reminder I do get what I deserve, the proper way, but it's well-understood and they're only a few of us left, not even a "mad genius" sheesh
You're talking to someone smarter and Christian than Isaac Newton, advancing ideas that have never been seen historically, and you knew that, I'm talking to you, and you're trying to stone me to death, well expected, but I'll have you killed for this
(It's come to the point where I have to put a legal disclaimer, i'm going to ask you to stop copying, not sampling even, and you're not going to fucking defeat me, Devil. That's an oath I made when I was born. You disturb my finances, in any way, you'll be handled, and I cannot believe how stupid and unmotivated these devils are, but I'm learning as I go.)
Nice to see you, Dr. Curtis, Franks, and Dr. Jamison, and associates, we have our personal pages elsewhere, fuck off
If your parents didn't do shit, who I contacted, as you're so inept and cradled that people like Jill Biden should take care of Jack Antonoff instead and Chelsea Clinton is Melissa Broder, lol
you are dangerous to history, trying to erase my contributions and stop them, too, as a representative of many groups, in the dumbest harshest, and it's based on such horrid ideals, only understandable to Fools, it's actually the worst people historically, and this happens now, welcome angels, watch out for the fake ones, disgusting, they know how to attack guess we'll have to deal with this (angels fight sometimes, but it's teasing), so gross those who know know, but void me, nothing to be had, literally, it's in line with Your Evil Stupidity