"When you can't beat them White Nationalists/Neo-Nazis, Join Them Under False Pretenses to Destroy Their Core"
The National? Is Whom?
"He just suffered a migraine and went to the hospital simply as a precaution." Taylor Swift killed Kanye West (this is permanent atrophy, you disgusting, slutty, gross swift fans and aggressive kids, are all illegal
Abusers like UC Irvine who criminalized a legal protest, which was one against apartheid, as stated in the media and by presidentail candidates, banned the Muslim Student Union. That is unheard of for a modern university, and harkens back to the recent history of African-Americans, who were abused by men like Joseph Biden and his wife growing up, as they chose the Whites Only section seemingly, probably.
Taylor, your political activist, has said NOTHING about the war lol she isn't stupid, "mastermind"
and violent Travis Kelce is the least graceful in a sport, that's not elsewhere for a reason
Not the real Selena Gomez is responsible for an onslaught of murders and suicides, including her fans, like taylor swift, not just as an irresponsible health official worldwide, but one who has corrupted psychiatry, denying the real diagnoses, and not exploring their plausibility, also saying that women with bipolar disorder are unable to have children, because of medications, which is murderous, almost genocidal, and wholly irresponsible; as anyone with AP Psych knowledge knows, it is possible
Ever heard about chemotherapy and lupus in a young person, nor its accompanying feelings of pain and anguish that she causes because she hates compulsively, is unkind, and terroristic, an emotionally impoverished thing
Don, you are not the Teflon Don; you are terrifying, and banned an entire religion, Islam, along with your future leader Joseph, not biblically, who does nothing to publicize anti-Islamic actions, as NPR documented. He encourages abuse with the vice president's husband, who speaks more often than her, and also abuses others, as a Satanist/atheist.
abuse by kanye west fans against taylor swift is nonexistent she fabricated that too and those abusers work for taylor swift inc a hate crime advocacy group which is not worth a billion anymore, but less than it will in the future so disgusting like matty healy, who is islamophobic, which is well-documented, and not a joke, according to me, not your frauds, her partner, and jack antonoff's
False hunter is currently at trial, and should be punished for sexual acts, seemingly, as he paid so much money on adult entertainment and a history of lack of self-control and arrogance, and supports violence against women, it seems.
She supports an abuser of his ex-girlfriend, who branded him a narcissist, like I did, encouraging more abuse against her, as the world's leading misogynist, fooling the vulnerable, the innocent into believing she is a saintly figure, but she is a vengeful warmonger -
As this psychological operation is conducted to encourage vengefulness abuse and violence, she is the primary architect in the "fake" art world, as she is not a real artist, but a scary abuser - she is the anti-peace activist, not anti-war activist, just conducting the operation like a sneaky narcissist knows.
The eleven at Irvine's Muslim student union, who didn't do anything, but encountered hate there, and violence "middle fingers" and "you are not going to pass your final exams" taunts, are not to be persecuted, nor is their peaceful organization, and
The Irvine 11 : Part 2 (God knows you are criminals, so you will be group-tried, too, which isn't the proper way to label nor treat others, and the United Nations does do war tribunals, so do be wary that this could happen, because you disobeyed it, you can be removed instantly, right? Sorry, but abusers like Hunter and Donald, are not allowed to encourage hate crimes. Donald Trump is responsible for every hate crime against Muslims today, and the FBI, who Joh Biden knows intimately it seems, because Hunter has yet to be punished correctly, will inded need to acknowledge its offenses, in hiding hate crimes against Muslims, which NPR researched and understatedly, so Joe and Donald, good luck! You're guilty of massive hate crimes and war abuses, and I do give a fuck, but I don't in its mannerism
Camel-ah is not the right way to say Kamela, and Kamel is not going to help sometimes, because Egyptians are not camel-riders, but pyramid builders, and I'll show you an earthly tomb, where your riches will be stripped, and I'll be crowned officially