all the gymnasts are being abused now, just stop pushing it hurts and they want me to do this disgusting chris wray daughter needs to talk to you pick up the phone or are you absent, raised without her, like i can infer from her scarednes right now
i'm a man who can protect women, fucked up so much by fake protectors, like Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp, sorry Hunter you failed, gotta call CPS right now unable to stop drinking, blame-shifts, so many
i got you, don't be scared from abuser(s) fake victim i know you're enraged so behave be tame, act womanly
while she acts manly "the man" so bold, taylor, so bold and strong aren't you so undeserving
Past abuser, yuck stop too much not there gross stop faking victimhood johnny who are you disgusting ugly fat ruagcist ugly racist sdutpidsnng disguting rapist fat ugly die torture ugly fat diusgitn caused by united states government tortures, then yours, so many and she's the victim fake rape cry get a rape whistle Johnny Depp, lol, whiskered-kittens
Rape Whistle, by Taylor, in three colors Let's go Fuck The Patriarchy all that can save us, for matriarchy (regality? Limit 10 Per Customer Will Arrive 10-15 Business Days (make sure it's okay to buy regularly not irregurarly because if we buy too little too much will stop get it stop buying doubles itll triple? God is just, yes, just Incredible, scary girl
Joe Biden, your church leader needs to talk to you, so you need to contact him, the one who denied you Communion for reasons, it's never done historically, you must be horrible no offense don't get mad scary you have shotguns you're not scared calibers what does that mean your dog wasn't treated right it had to be moved out you're scary hunter is scarier hunts birds scary birds are girls Brian Wilson, it's ok, scary, don't shoot are you going to shoot i'm confused police brutality momma they killen me me on the subway i'm michael jackson's moonwalker now i'm suffocated-choked15minutes "i can't breath do you have air always why asking this me you and Chris Wray, together, with your leaders, and the proper Spiritualists, as determined by the one telling me to write, Father Andrew Hanna, so as to how to proceed, family talk guys, let's get it started, your families need to consult (emergency, Mr. Wray+Biden
we're asking for "Executive Privilege,
you admire Winston Churchill, great, you said that more basis
you're scaring me be strong simba strongstrongergrossfeelsfunnfbitimetotalktofbiokimtalkinwaitingwaitingwaitingwaitinggreattheygotthemessagesthatimbeingstalkedbyascarypersonfromaweirdgroup
thenthey did what,theyscaredmegrossedgivemeyourcomputerphonedeletenotsafe
we have a church directory for these scariesdisgustingpedophilesgrossdosomethingnowork
hunter biden get away everythingmrhunter biden allowed to sell crack cocainegunholder still, can you take away his gun rights Mr. Joe Biden scaring like you
y you think nigga here all day, nigga cuz they enslaved me, and they blameshift, nah i'm a man, scary
i'll talk to you face-to-face-agree-too-immediately-livestreamed-scary abuser,
bad girls room
bad girls room johnny depp strangers knew bad girls room lets go
no iono go marilyn mansons dark room pictures i like pictures
dark room development
i ain embarassed but they clownin dont mean it they clownin y'all bothering martin luther king's, don mess up EVER it's scary i learned that they make everything up and i caught them trying to drug like malcolm still tryindesperate cuz i know they evil and like they disgusting devil
disgusting hunter biden scary accusations arent if theyre real they rapist-story-central-take-away-his-guns-he-is-a-threat-to-him? me, scary obvious
disgusting watch slaveshow i've been workin the slaveship (country right Kanye, maybe Charlie loooooool KAy, lol they're scary don't be scared Dr. Jamison, they can't arrest one of their agents, lol talk to us to abuse children, disgusting for Dr. Kay Jamison's authority 2
marilyn manson and johnny depp croon KILL4ME to children who are in wheelchairs let's sing together
you are gay. i'm a man. fucking little gays. i'm sorry, but y'all need to come out, Joe and Chris and Hunter, it's like fucking obvious
Jill Biden raised a piece of trash who married his sister, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife horrible woman
disgusting toucher of girls, Child Protective Services familially