Dale Hoskins called in middle of night to pressure and intimidate and coerce third parties, as an FBI official that was recent and the Dish employee refused to provide his name (and the dish appointment info is forged) when prodded until i kicked him out the home and he didn't do anything, apparently, but for a while was messing with stuff and tried to arrange a second meeting to fix up by force and mentioned a nonexistent international satellite dish problem also plus the death threat (the phone call in the middle of the night) and the tons from the fake animal case that have my name on them some of them all violently racist (some faked, some by, ordered similarly, also involving FBI, reversing again) these are both my residences one up the street and another down, small street, rental-deal the second call the month later on coast blvd was the zinger they'll reopen the closed fbi case

they brutalized me over the years, spat in my face, ate money i didn't have and fucked my family up so much to lick my wounds to kill my kids to fuck our legacy up so bad to fuck me up directly to kill me directly to hurt me to scar me to kill me after they scarred me to have fun with the scars to eat my flesh and live off me like they did to doris day
these motherfuckers right here aren't my friends, they're fucking piece of shits like a lot of things make selves happy to have fun and i don't have fun i work so hard to have fun and i work while having fun so you fucking pussies you fucking pussies oh i hate you with all my wrath because you are the reason the world is sad today you are the reason little betty is crying herself to sleep tonight you fucking wanna hook up with me wanna hold hands wanna ramp wit me wanna race me a speed bumpin slut well no fuck you you are scary and unpredictable monstrous and want my soul to fuck me up to fuck everyone up to mock to feel sensations to cockride to fucking scare to feel everything i should have
they made the nba boring as fuck to fuck black niggas up to fuck and have fun that's why it's so boring, so these bitches get cancer and spread it to fuck up later nba players
ian connor never even heard that shit, everything straight fabricated, like soad drummer white nationalism, pieces of shit ass racists alive again, step out for a breather, who is aggresive, who needs to calm down, who's scary, who's threatening, who's damaging who's reputation aint taylor word it's martin's nigga, it me, it x and they still fuck a nigga up to fuck jewels
they gon fabricate after i die, cause they wanna kill they to kill and make up everything with that fucking kinda nigga and they used to it buy now
don tell me you paid to fuck my teeth up cause youre scary ass picture
ain no nee for no guns so stop police brutality guns on me bottom line i don't know that guy and he feedin off scraps and it ain't my duty to follow no fbi court order brainwashing dale hoskins you knew that so too late you done defaulted for your dirty ass stores, you are an ass so get fucked in it to stop this brainfuckery