Okay because you're going too far with this stuff I have to tell you right now you're an intelligent as fuck you're Brickly brain and nobody gives a fuck cuz you're prickly insane you're prickly and bullish so fucking borish do you know that word means it means you're a fucking prick who likes to suck cock in about healing and Swahili rather means I'm the chosen Antichrist right you guys are so freaking weird at this point I've lost interest in science math the last weekend Mina this is not a way to do things there's a lot of things to say about psychopathy and sociopathy person now I disorder what you are all Afflicted with the fact is that nobody gives a rat's ass man how tall you are how short you are How fat you are how skinny you are you have one brain don't use it if you keep on using your bread and you want to give me your bad friend if you give a girl what's going to happen tonight it's a good disease to get when you want to fuck somebody up listen I used to be a good person really I used to be a good person then I started talking to myself and I went crazy and crazier and then I went insane and insane you'll never find somebody crazy than insane person who does drugs like me there's no point to talking to me anymore I'm off to swahiliated with your mom actually and so hot so highly or like Somalia where you have a no food and no breakfast I need to tell you if you go to the New York New York Buffet they have a great great designed now what do you say spiral ham if you keep on taking him for granted is not going to cut itself you need to butcher to cut your ham and I cannot put your myself either way you're treating me is extremely violent and extremely poor you need to treat me better the fact is that your two year old boyfriends need a fuck off it's really getting fucking annoying I don't do this for money I do this for world peace and I also do it for other things I do for fucking your ugly asses up most Americans are strictly ugly you can't become uglier than a mother fucking fbiage I never seen that happy and you know what annoyed me the most today I went to that place I try to get seated and you know what this is going to say 25 minutes what whatever that motherfucker's name is and nobody listened to mcgow and Chamberlain yeah just imagine Magoo now Magoo is doing really well the guy thanks for asking so yeah I will remember Outcast and big boy and that other mother fucker Andre 3000 most of them are really ugly they're just really ugly you can't find ugly black person then big boy and remember that the guy Sheila green yeah he was really ugly that guy is hideous the fact is if you try to fuck she little green you're going to end up with a father and father in law because he has a baby already and it's you what's up baby that kind of Lifestyle it's not mine it belongs to you you keep it this is totally different I already got my money I already got my power already got your girlfriend is not enough than that is okay you're being so weird so angry so aggressive and you need to leave me alone at this point I gave you one dollar a day I use three dollars a night as I watch what the Embassy Suites you're going to end up in an Embassy Suites getting fucked by a paraplegic guy who got kicked out of the military forever broken leg I really don't care anymore that I already have you're not going to get much out of me except for your hatred of others I'm really hated person because I'm very loved actually nobody hates me everybody loves me am I that nice am I that crazy both of you things are true you got to be crazy and you could be mad I mostly mad you can find me on the street corner having sex with your girlfriend not really the fact is I don't really care about much but my interest in you I wanted to help you I needed to help you and I did there's very little to say but Happy Father's Day to the father to celebrate because if you celebrate Father's Day and you're a father-in-law like a single we made you you're not going to have fun you need to have less fun on Father's Day