someday, i saw you out there, just having a snack, then you got godsmacked, so you didn't offer my snack back (that was really disrespectful), but from that experience i learned. I learned how to love, not to be a hateful person, to personify. Just personification of you is treating your body like trash, trusting too much, and trusting money to protect you, but it didn't, it really didn't
from earlier today's journal entry
i like to hear, here, do you hear well, as i do, do you hear as i do here is that proper to me, or to you, a person you aren't that much (to me, i would not wouldn't particularly give you what i know)
I think this is a really talented performer, and i want to see if you think so too, Universal Music, not Taylor Swift Weirdo Unincorporated District Attorney
-> Now (new genre)