some of the individuals who work with news channel may go and die and be replaced please know that when you do so you will know this will come here to the locals who are scared and also know that no one cares isn't true that I do and you do and we do so please do this go to the site where they're filming and ask why are they there because those sites are not real and are simply not true so some news anchors were abducted and tortured to hurt others and this hurts me to say the news anchors are known to be nice to them even performing songs of hatred for the opposite way to know they are scared is to say the least so I need someone who knows the news anchors to help them now to know they are not alone and are invaluable such that some are suicidal and including one I know personally be careful this stuff is scary and all are told not to contact others because they are under threat and some are scared to death because they have went to places and never came back including doctor who went away to facility and ended in it from sanjay gupta
i know these are hard to load with all the videos? or to link the pages individually, but this isn't just thrown together, it's extremely extremely careful and you have to find the pages on the top ( and at and don't worry about the internet it's there it will find a way (just it's handled by google, leave it at that)
what's importantly affecting moi? i'd say mostly the person trying to be me, and not claim responsibility, this is gross, you're not a good person, you're disgusting, and just the same as the rest, that and those persons will need to be specified such;
i suggest immediate removal from society
i suggest immediate injection of long-lasting drugs
i suggest removal from social immersion
i suggest personally harming each individual involved, these aren't aliens, these are the biggest corporations and the entirety of the fbi and the cia, offices of hatred that will be removed immediately, just for being unsightly (nice word)
you are not me you will be not me so back to that future i'd like to unintroduce you from
and say directly these individuals won't be arrested i know that's your dream to go to law courtroom police dogs
it doesn't work like that
they're functionally school shooters; they don't have anything good going for them and won't hurt you, they go hard and low, they are aggressive, pointless and evasive, so they stay they're gross it's all of you growing up going out to parties disgustingly enjoying bad people and bad interests and knowingly bad ideas you're the ones humans in history you lost already you're gross and pointless shame on your parents for letting you live that way and shame on you betraying parents worse than they raised you and also shame on your churches for making it party churches stop abusing your intelligence and privileges it's too late to change they're awkward socially and want to rape by force to become "cool," which is in their eyes rapists, just like america's been, fuck you up disgusting ass people, all of you shame on your damn county fuck it to death
you're supposed to accept others you're supposed to accept ideas you're supposed to accept God you're supposed to allow people to kill themselves and be crazy as i am shame on you apa shame on you punitive fbis shame on you sadistic cia you're all so sad boy and sad girl marilyn mansons in disguise
the worst ones the ones who wear masks i'm nice i'm crazy nice i'm nicer than nice to-come, don't work like that