Strong! gymnasts, they knew you were more than gymnasts: so innocent, however they knew that. it was probably their biggest sex-thing ever. it was so obvious. they decided to hurt you not help you, not for that ugly guy. but for themselves, the country, to protect abusers, the abusive nature of the government (maybe even protect their sexual abuse programs - torture porgrams -which are so scary, but i'm not weird, gross) of course, they've never helped anyone in that arena, of course!
Howard! You good? healthy-not-perverted anymore
Internationally known
so we cry out, when? please. now! it's gross, money-oriented, and intending to scare, like other abusers like Marilyn Manson (torture rooms?) and Johnny Depp (Nazism, scary! disorienting, scary devalues and discredits me and tries to sicken everyone), so obviously violent and people who hate people because of their innocence, let's be stronger than them
they are so evil to write fake FBI letters, using real names, and do other sneaky tricks using people you'd think are Helpers, but they're not; quite the opposite, these scary subhumans abuse the fact that the FBI doesn't love, is incapable of it, makes people like us real victims go mad, which means insane, but it is hard to fight them, and I'm very strong, because of this (cyclic, isn't it is violent, tortuous, once asked Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide in plain tersm, calling him vulgar words, "vulgar," just as the height of his work against these Devils, but Swift enables it to seem like the real victim: the weakest one, who is fake, someone who needs to be stop abusing with them to (enable acts of shocking pedophilia
I think they like learning about abuse descriptively to learn how to and to abuse simultaneously, but act like they're doing anything worthwhile; and they still could be punished, but Biden and his wife and family members, the same with the others before know of course (enablers aren't to be rewarded, and especially those they protect their abusers-and our victimhood which is rule not fake (enabled by Johnny Depp's fake cries - against a woman - and the same with Marilyn Manson's fake cries - also accusing a real abuse victim of a sometimes-usually-more-maybe truly-truly worse crime of psychological abuse (which results from physical abuse concomitantly)
we'll find a way. if we are angry, then we are rational, and we will jail Marilyn Manson, and their enablers: and the Devil-Swift, i'm working to do so and as she enables all of these abusers (even lying about her own thing, justice is better than revenge, yes it is FBI, and thank me later for revealing you are Evil)
you are the real victim. don't let them win you over into thinking you are the intiaator.
i'm fighting hard, with all of my might, that these gross people get punished, all of them, every single feral animal, subhuman, emotionally bereft (falsely kind and humble, raised to scare you)
Because of these terroristic acts against real abuse victims, these individuals have been classified as terrorists; moreover, the United States is indeed acting like a narcissist, a natural abuser, to the world, and I'm in talks with the United Nations, who they consistently veto, to have it classified as such, but it will take time and my effort and (real victim's effort
More recently, so it's happening under Biden, too, Angelina Jolie's dear Maddox was crucified by the FBI, abused too; you don't lie, Maddox Jolie, but are your attorneys lying to you, to seem good? they are some evil ones, if your truth doesn't affect
Any narcissistic act of terrorism will be punished hopefully, because these are international terrorists, lying to countrywomen (violating an intern? so gross, and your enabling wife
push-around countries, bad-standard-setters, with recent histories of abuse, racially, fake representatives (obama "byron crawford," and clinton), Jim Crows so recently, enslaving and then punishing for running, bullies don't win stupidly and won't
the CIA is clandestine for a reason, they are tricky and dishonest; unlike MI6, who is trying (they're hiding an "enhanced interrogation," Stern-host? program that's title suggests Johnny Depp might benefit from, bff, with Taylor Swift
Ellen DeGeneres, remember this, you were responsible for the movement! You and Lizzo don't get enough credit, because you are victims, not Scary Narcisstic Psychopaths (do not manipulate us, psychopath) You are not victims; otherwise, you would act faster (you're able, but you want or do disable others from speaking, (being believed,
Belief? I believe. It's Spiritual. The others are not to be believed; they are scary and try to offend my and adherents' Spirituality