"Uncle Tom," unlike most anti-black slurs, is primarily used by black people against black people. Its synonyms include "oreo," "sell-out," "uncle," "race-traitor," and "white man's negro." It is an in-group term used as a social control mechanism. Garth Baker-Fletcher (1993) has said,
The "Uncle Tom" appellation is the feared curse of every African American who is compelled to work under white people, while simultaneously holding a position of authority over other African Americans. Thus "Uncle Tom" can be pulled out by black people as a superior ideological weapon to enforce patterns of racial unity against the perceived threats of a white boss. (p. 39)
Black political conservatives, especially Republicans, are often labeled "Uncle Toms" or "Toms." Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Alan Keyes, the Republican presidential candidate; Shelby Steele, the professor and author; Thomas Sowell, the economist; and Walter Williams, the neighborhood activist, have all been publicly called "Uncle Toms." They are accused of being white-identified opportunists. Their motives are impugned. The November 1996 issue of Emerge magazine had a cover with Justice Thomas dressed as a lawn jockey and these words: "Uncle Thomas, Lawn Jockey for the Far Right." Inside the magazine a grinning Justice Thomas shines Associate Justice Antonin Scalia's shoes.
Hi Mo(hammed), Shiva's daddy! FBI doesn't care about you, because, Chris Wray (hired by Muslim banner, supported by Joseph Biden - Satanist, banned completely from Church ideologically), so never abandon your families.