Missus Charles In Charges with crimes against your wife, because satanism? {such}{{such hatred and abuse isn't mine?}}{{{so to not know doesn't mean that!}}} to say that isn't so, is to say that you're in there to hurt, and that's all to intentionally fake victimize which is a new thing for the uk, and also to note your abuses of others as an abuser of people who are unique and those who have challenged your faux divinity such to notice you are not a false god even, however much you've hated, i've noticed, you and your lacking, so to say you are not kind is an absolute so your attack on the basics, is to do as such: i am, and not, and i'm not in nots doesn't necessarily tie us up, about town doesn't not know of yours, however now i know you were there to say the following, and to never finish your sentences so you went to harm, and to harass, knowingly and unknowingly, with my additional details provided today;
i am sad.
i am tragic, and tragically sad 4, not really, but to you.
i had wished
i shouldn't have as a false victim apologizes
and i had wisht, instead of known darknesses hope in certains, so as to portray aggression, and
{{{such abuse}}}{{such torture isn't?}}{and is torture?} so to say that if someone hated, then they would, and i don't allow you to, as i know that nature of area, and natural areas to say, an arrogant person isn't highly, to say obnoxiously doesn't mean that i'm hateful by necessity, and also hi friends at mi6 (:
to whom and too now it isn't so musically inclined, as to say that musical inclination and to know such of the finality well the hatred isn't circumstantial and to say circumspect is the fuel of the energy to desire such is similarly i wouldn't say equally rather wouldn't so if i hated then i apologize not to know such kindness isn't mine to know that hatred isn't but shouldn't, and that trustfulness is much more important, like why and did and so it, the faithfulness of Godlies, so if you know someone who is, then you aren't, and if you are someone who isn't such a twat, then isn't a bitch a twat, in particular does someone hate so much as to hate others, the, and to always so, knowingly harming to progress advantages, that aren't yours, not to know, particularly to not say, and always to know, isn't required
saying so, is always
not saying so is always,
and not wanting so is always
not knowing when to say so is a bit off, so they so it's stupid not you, though stupidly
motivated i wouldn't say you're stupid
so much as you are stupid and stupid is it stupid's or stupids, stoopid is a good song very considerate you are to be known (so)((so so))(((to say it isn't, is to say it is, and if isn't, then? so you're to say that suicidality is to be, not, then let it be not, forcefully)))
and to say, Love is the UK, it's not; it's Us, the UK, The Innocent, Home of the Brave and Fortunately So {Kind}{{Kindness's pet}}{{{And to always}}}